Welcome, Summer!
I don’t know about your family, but the Scotts are more than ready for long nights, lots of swimming, and more baseball games than I can count. All this in a word: summer!
For the last two years now, we have had a summer kick-off breakfast after school is out, and I definitely recommend it. This special breakfast sets the tone for our summer. When our kids see me excited for a change of season, they get excited, too. I work from home, so having them home all day presents its own challenges for me. If I choose to start with a motivated, cheerful attitude, it makes a big difference!
I use the Bucket List document from the Encourager, and I find out what’s on the kids’ summer bucket list. Maybe it’s sleepovers with cousins, swimming in the pool, sleeping on the trampoline, taking new trips — it’s always fun to hear what they come up with.
We map these things out on the calendar, and we also go over what athletic camps everyone has and when. I always say summer is my harvest season because I am gone many weekends for art shows. So, I also go over these dates with the kids and let them know what to expect.
We also go over some day-to-day exceptions of what life looks like with everyone home. For example, no interrupting mom when she’s on the phone for work. :) Food is another big item we discuss. My kids are old enough now to help out, so we go over who is going to take care of what meals, and also what time we’ll eat. I don’t like being a short-order cook, so if you’re not up by 9 a.m., you can eat at lunch!
A big excitement for our family this summer is church camp for the kids. I can’t wait for them to make memories with Christ totally apart from me. We also will memorize Scripture together this summer, which is something I always look forward to.
The Scotts’ summer also includes rodeo season, a basement remodel, and baseball — 50+ games! I am reminding myself that this is probably the last year Gus will be in baseball, so I plan to enjoy it. It’s an amazing game, and we’ve met amazing people through it. Plus, it’s such an iconic American sport, and I can’t help but feel thankful for our freedoms at each game.
This kick-off breakfast has been a great blend of fun, big-picture dreaming and logistical planning. I encourage you to give it a try with your family!
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