


The Rebekah

I love what I do. I love my family and my farm. I love all of it! But my sprit sings when I'm riding a horse in Western South Dakota, where I grew up. I am lost in the waving grass and fluttering breeze. In the smell of the leather saddle and sweat on the horse. I'm dreaming about what it must have been like for a family, just like mine, to roll a wagon across those wild shortgrass prairies just to survive let alone thrive. Out there, I am close to God in a way I can’t describe. The whole experience is both beautiful and functional. Horses are critical partners of the rancher. Helen Thomson said, "When riding a horse, we borrow freedom." The Rebekah bag, styled after a saddlebag, is about that beauty, that function, and most of all, that freedom.

Rebekah Scott